Citizens of Iowa Attend Ribbon Cutting Ceremony of HSA Des Moines

Des Moines' first independently managed charter school officially opened at September 7th, 2023g. Parents, students, teachers and government leaders gathered on the steps of Horizon Science Academy for a ribbon-cutting ceremony.
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Earlier this Fall, the citizens of Iowa celebrated the opening of the first charter public school in Des Moines.

A year ago, Concept Schools met with the government of Iowa for the purpose of filling educational gaps in underserved communities.

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds attended the ribbon cutting, shared her appreciation of public charter schools and Concept Schools.

“Its distinctive emphasis on STEM, which I have been a proponent for so long as lieutenant governor, it was one of my number one objectives. It works for our kids, it’s a hands-on experience and really helps them see what their potential is.”

Right now, HSA Des Moines has an open-door policy, give them a call today and schedule a tour of their school.

Horizon Science Academy in Des Moines is now enrolling from Kindergarten to 3rd grade. Concept Schools is excited to continue to grow their community, one school at a time. 
